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Gesneriad Study Group Meetings
The Gesneriad Study Group meets on the THIRD Sunday of the month at a member's home, a different venue each month.
Meetings start at NOON,.bring your lunch and a small something to share for afternoon tea.
We focus on a topic and a volunteer prepares a presentation and leads the discussion.
Members and visitors are welcome, please contact us for this month's venue.
Meetings for 2024
21st January - 10:30 for 11am start combined meeting with other AV groups.
- Ruth Coulson's Adventures with Hybridising. R Coulson
- How to Hybridise. S Hodges
- Trends in Gardens - GCA presentation. D Fripp
After January we start at NOON
18th February - How a gesneriad is judged
17th March - Miniature gesneriads and Petrocosmeas
21st April - Chilean Gesneriads
May - no meeting.
16th June - History of Streptocarpus
21st July –Pots, potting mix & fertilisers
18th August – Sprays and spraying.
15th September -No meeting
20th October –Gesneriads grown for their foliage, including variegated plants. Cancelled as we will be at the Collectors Plant Fair
17th November - Streptocarpus.
15th December - What I can't grow well - help! plan program for 2025.
Meetings for 2023
8th January - Combined meeting with AVAA (Sydney). Sinningia lindleyii 10am
12th February - Sinningia speciosa 10am
19th March - Flowering rhizomatious gesneriads.10am
16th April - What's not doing well.
21st May - no meeting.
18th June - Light and Temperature - how does the plant tell us what is needs.
16th July –Australian hybridisers and Australian hybrids. NOON
20th August – Harvesting rhizomes.
17th September -No meeting
15th October –Gesneriads grown inside, outside and in the garden.
12th November -Dividing/rejuvenating Streptocarpus.
17th Dec - What is doing well show and tell, plan program for 2024.
Meetings for 2022
9th January - Combined meeting with AVAA (Sydney). 10am start.
13th February - What is doing well. Zoom
13th March - Hybridising Gesneriads. Zoom.
10th April - Presenting plants for show & Kohleria
May - no meeting.
12th June - Fertiliser and Potting mix
10th July –Winter Care
14th August – Rhizomes, tubers and Gesneriads grown for foliage.
11th September -No meeting
9th October –Streptocarpus
13th November -Collecting seed and growing from seed
11th Dec - What is looking good, plan program for 2023.
Meetings for 2021
Meetings have been disrupted due to covid.
Meetings for 2020
12th January - My Favourite Gesneriad.
9th February - Episcia
8th March - What is/is not doing well
12th April - How to present your plant for showing.
May - no meeting.
14th June - Potting mixes for gesneriads
12th July – Rhizomes/tubers, harvesting, storing and planting.
9th August – Primulina
13th September - Titanotrichum oldhamii
11th October – Miniature Sinningias
8th November - Break up and rejuvenate streptocarpus
13th Dec - Furry gesneriads
Meetings for 2019
Planned at our December 2018 meeting, may change as the year progresses.
13th January - Webinair
10th February - Basket Gesneriads
10th March - Hybridising mechanics
14th April - Species Gesneriads
May - no meeting.
14th June - Potting mixes for gesneriads
12th July – Rhizomes/tubers, harvesting, storing and planting.
9th August – Primulina
13th September - Titanotrichum oldhamii
11th October – Miniature Sinningias
8th November - Break up and rejuvenate streptocarpus
13th Dec - Furry gesneriads
8th Dec - Sinningias
Meetings for 2018
Planned at our December 2017 meeting, may change as the year progresses.
14th January - Miniature Gesneriads
11th February - Episcia
11th March - Photographing plants.
8th April - Fieldia and seed from the seed fund.
May - no meeting.
10th June - Botanic terms used in naming species gesneriads.
8th July – Australian hybrids and Australinan hybridisers
12th August – Gesneriads to grow in full sun, part sun and shade.
9th September - My favourite species gesneriad.
14th October – Columnea.
11th November - What is doing well and what is not doing well.
9th Dec - My favourite foliage gesneriad.
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